A Peek Into My Life II

Over 4 years ago I posted this. I would say a lot has changed in almost 4 1/2 years, don’t ya think? Let’s see what my life looks like now. Also, for fun, let’s compare.

A is for age: I’m 20.
A is for age: I’m 24.

B is for breakfast: Bowl of Great Grain Crunchy Pecans cereal with soymilk and a sliced banana.
B is for breakfast: Old-fashioned oatmeal with a Justin’s chocolate hazelnut butter packet, plain greek yogurt, and raspberries.

C is for currently craving: Nutella. Duh. Always.
C is for currently craving: Wine and chocolate.

D is for dinner tonight: I had some leftover chickpea and tofu spaghetti with cilantro pesto and a cinnamon-banana smoothie.
D is for dinner tonight: Whole wheat rotini with alfredo pesto and parmesan.

E is for my favorite type of exercise: Cycling!
E is for my favorite type of exercise: BodyFlow!

F is for an irrational fear: Being under deep water. I call it “aquaclaustrophobia.”
F is for an irrational fear: Same as above, and spiders.

G is for gross food: Meat. Sorry, carnivores of the world. You knew it was coming, though.
G is for gross food: Okay, obviously meat. Ew, and okra.

H is for hometown: Winston Salem, NC.
H is for hometown: A hometown is always a hometown, same as above.

I is for something important: Health. I’m pretty sure health is one of the most important things ever. Also, music, family and friends. These 4 things keep me sane.
I is for something important: Friends and family. Find your people and never stop loving them.

J is for current favorite jam: Good Girl by Carrie Underwood.
J is for current favorite jam: Needtobreathe’s new CD. Replay erry-damn-day on the way to work.

K is for kids: Um. They’re cool? Definitely not on my radar.
K is for kids: Furchild! Caribou, my tabby cat.

L is for current location: Elon University!
L is for current location: Apartment.

M is for the most recent way you spent money: Research. My life has been completely enveloped by research. All I do is buy chocolate milk and chocolate soymilk and bagels and OJ and cream cheese and gift cards and measuring cups for research. Yeah. If you’re sensing bitterness, you’re correct. But that’s not with my money. It’s funded by Elon. The last thing I bought was a ticket to the Hunger Games! Guys. Seriously. You need to see it. I thought it was totally overrated because it’s all “trendy” now to ready it but it.was.worth.it. One of the best movies ever. Go. Now!
M is for the most recent way you spent money: Yesterday I went to Target to get the ‘Boo-tterscotch’ M&Ms for our dietitian office and might have gotten side tracked in the dollar section. Hello adorable file folders!

N is for something you need: Sleep. Okay. I mean, I get plenty, I guess. I need things to work out with summer and graduation and all those fun things so I can graduate on time. Hi, life. You don’t need to be this stressful.
N is for something you need: NEED?! More water. Always. I am terrible at hydrating. WANT?! A tropical vacation. Duh.

O is for occupation: Student! And part time yogurt slinger/server over summer and Christmas breaks.
O is for occupation: I can PROUDLY say that I am a registered dietitian!

P is for pet peeve: When people talk really loudly on the phone or turn the TV up way too loud or drive slowly or pull out in front of you when no one is behind you.
P is for pet peeve: Gum smacking. My mom taught me that one. I think pet peeves are learned like fears are. Someone was smacking today and I wanted to smack THEM.

Q is for quote: “Never regret anything because at one point it was exactly what you wanted.” So. True.
Q is for quote: ‘Everything in moderation including moderation.’

R is for random fact about you: I can bench my body weight.
R is for random fact about you: I’m left handed. Also, I cannot bench my bodyweight anymore. Womp.

S is for favorite healthy snack: Celery and peanut butter. Nommm.
S is for favorite healthy snack: Larabars. Or hummus & snap peas.

T is for favorite treat: Favorite?? Oh man. I’m not sure if this is my all-time favorite, but I do love Coldstone’s banana ice cream with chocolate chips.
T is for favorite treat: Menchie’s. It’s a yogurt shop that is SO YUM.

U is for something that makes you unique: I make velociraptor sounds when something goes awry in the kitchen.
U is for something that makes you unique: I have a tattoo of a spider on my foot that I drew.

V is for favorite vegetable: Homegrown tomatoes.
V is for favorite vegetable: Snap peas.

W is for today’s workout: 1 hour of power yoga and 1 hour of cycling.
W is for today’s workout: Taking the stairs at work?..

X is for x-rays you’ve had: My left foot, twice. Both were fractures or something minor like that.
X is for x-rays you’ve had: Do MRIs count? I guess not.. Aforementioned + back and jaw if MRIs count.

Y is for yesterday’s highlight: Holding my friend’s bunny, Blue. She’s beautiful and super soft.
Y is for yesterday’s highlight: Yesterday? Good lawd I can’t remember yesterday. OOH the Target school supplies!!

Z is for your time zone: Eastern Standard Time.
Z is for your time zone: SAMESIES.

So different! So fun. Let’s do this again in 4 years, what do you say?

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